
Informacje z Ambasady Turcji dotyczące stypendiów rządu tureckiego dla studentów zagranicznych, na które można aplikować w terminie do 31 marca 2016 r.

Turkish Government has been granting undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships for foreign students. Applications for the next year are now open. There is an announcement on the Embassy website about this opportunity: http://varsova.be.mfa.gov.tr/ShowAnnouncement.aspx?ID=252589

Since the scholarships also cover postgraduate studies, university students currently attending Polish universities might be interested in these scholarship opportunities.

The applications are received online (until 31 March 2016) through the following link: http://www.trscholarships.org/index.php/en/ An information note regarding the scholarship opportunities is attached. Further information is also available at the link above.