2160528 Helusz

As a tradition it was organized the 19th charity picnic (last Saturday in May) under the title "With a neighbor to a picnic." The event took place at the Centre for Recreation and Sports in Helusz, near Pruchnik. The guests of honor of this traditional event were people with disabilities, the residents of nursing homes from the province, children from orphanages and charity centers (approximately 2500). There were also approximately 2500 invited guests, as well as attendants, including 200 students from schools in Jaroslaw. Among the guests there were also representatives of local authorities and parliamentarians of the region.

The Bronisław Markiewicz State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jarosław (PWSTE) was presented by Rector, Associated Proffessor Krzysztof Rejman, PhD. One could also see the exhibition stand of our school which served as the didactics. The participants of the programme Erasmus +, who are the students from Spain, Italy and Turkey, took also part in the above event.
The organizes of the picnic prepared many attractions. The concert "Baciary" aroused positive emotions. The Jarosław Technics and General Education School Complex presented a fashion show. Young people of Jarosław ballet school named after Lidia Nartowska took also part in the event. In turn, the members of the group “Impression” (belonging to the Catholic Centre of Culture) performed an avant-garde dance “Lalki glamour”. The dancers showed a high level of dance skills while performing samba, cha-cha, rumba, jive and pasodoble.

An additional musical attraction for the participants of the event was the performance of the vocal band belonging to the Christ the King Parish. The guests of the picnic took part in a lot of attractions: contests, games, fun and games, such as: darts, basketball, playing chess and checkers, slalom with the ball. The winners of the games were awarded by backpacks, albums, balls, papal books and sweets.

mgr Magdalena Bojarska,
Rzecznik Prasowy i Kierownik Działu Współpracy Międzynarodowej PWSTE w Jarosławiu