„Unity in diversity. Intercultural education in the common Polish-Slovak borderland”, - it was the motto of the International Scientific Conference which took place 27-29 November, 2017 at PWSTE in Jarosław.
The deliberations were conducted in the Library of the PWSTE and were preceded by speech of the Rector, prof. UG, dr hab. Krzysztof Rejman who opened the conference, as well as by speech of doc. dr. Eng. Peter Adamišin - Vice-Rector of the University of Prešov in Slovakia, co-organizer of the project.
Beata Rejman, Director of the PWSTE Library in Jarosław was honored to welcome guests.
The conference was attended by the representative of the clergy – Archpriest of Jarosław, Prelate Andrzej Surowiec along with Tadeusz Chrzan – the foreman of the district of Jarosław and the representative of the Mayor of Jaroslaw; the lecturers, students of PWSTE and directors of Institutes along with the staff, as well as students of schools participating in the project took also part in the conference.
The aim of the conference organizers was to present the latest research results in the field of intercultural education associated with regional conditions. Experts in the field of sociology, social work, pedagogy as well as management, history and intercultural European studies shared their thoughts.
The most obvious perspectives of the symposium are considered to be the benefits promoting attitudes towards opposition to discrimination and xenophobia, as well as eliminating stereotypes, by generating openness to different races, religion and nationality, as well as by conducting of dialogue between societies based on mutual respect and tolerance. The speakers tried to raise awareness and sensitize the participants of the meeting to various kinds of prejudices.
A large group of scientists has made efforts to expand their own individual and social identity of listeners through making contacts with other cultures, understanding of cultural differences, getting rid of prejudices, and transferring the theoretical knowledge into intercultural education by making the possibility to develop practical skills in conducting of multicultural dialogue at universities, schools and socio-professional institutions.
The representatives of many Polish and foreign universities discussed the main issues of the conference. Among the educational institutions are: Preshowski University in Prešov, Catholic University in Ruzomberok, Mateja Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko, the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, the University of Bialystok and the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, the University of Jan Kochanowski in Kielce, the University of Kazimierz Wielki in Bydgoszcz and the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, the University of Rzeszów, the University of Silesia in Katowice, A. Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, Academy of Special Education in Warsaw, Social Academy of Sciences in Lodz, Lublin University of Technology, Rzeszów University of Technology named after Ignacy Łukasiewicz and the College of Humanities and Economics in Brzeg, the State Higher Vocational School in Nowy Sącz, the Vistula Group of Students in Warsaw, the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów, the College of Social and Natural Sciences in Lublin.
The participants of the conference were also the teachers and students from the Secondary School Complex No. 4 in Rzeszów, Public Junior High School named after John Paul II in Iwkowa, High School No.1 named after Nicholas Copernicus in Jarosław, General Education, Vocational and Agricultural School Complex named after A. Mickiewicz in Radymno, Technical and General Education School Complex named after Stefan Banach in Jarosław, the August Witkowski Complex of Schools of Road Building in Jarosław, Food, Chemical and General Education School Complex named after Maria Curie-Skłodowska in Jarosław.
The symposium was organized in the framework of the project no. INT / EK / PO / 3 / I / B / 0097 – “Unity in diversity. Intercultural education in the common Slovak-Polish borderland”, it was co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and by the state budget as part of the Interreg V-A Poland-Slovakia Program 2014-2020. The Preshowski University in Prešov is the leading partner of the micro-project.
The foreman of the district of Jarosław and the Mayor of Jaroslaw assumed patronage over the above event. The event was also attended by media representatives from “Gazeta Jarosławska”, “Życie Podkarpackie” and Internet television pod24.info.
M.Sc. Magdalena Bojarska,
the Head of the Department of International Cooperation and Spokesperson of the Bronisław Markiewicz State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jarosław