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Farewell, my Dear Erasmus+ students!

Drukuj Drukuj E-mail E-mail

Dilara Çakmak and Kürşat Avcı, my Dear Erasmus+ students from the University of Samsun have completed their Erasmus+ studies at PWSTE. They have been studying in Jaroslaw for 2 semesters of the academic year 2022/2023 and I think it’s been a perfect time we’ve spent together.

Onur VARÇİN from Munzur University has completed his study at PWSTE!

Drukuj Drukuj E-mail E-mail

Onur VARÇİN from Munzur University has completed his study within the Erasmus+ Programme at the Bronislaw Markiewicz State University of Technology and Economics in Jaroslaw. It's so hard to say goodbye to my favorite student who has been studying at PWSTE for the past months of the academic year 2022/2023.


Scientists from Munzur University in Türkiye visited PWSTE within the Erasmus+ Programme!

Drukuj Drukuj E-mail E-mail

On May 22-26, 2023 scientists from Turkish Munzur University visited PWSTE within the Erasmus+ Programme. The above university is a longstanding partner of our higher school.

Res. Asst. Sacit SARI and Mehmet YAVUZ were hosted by Magdalena Bojarska, MSc - the Head of International Cooperation Department and Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator of the Bronislaw Markiewicz State University of Technology and Economics in Jaroslaw.

The teaching and training mobilities within the Erasmus+ Programme were enriched with a very exciting meeting with foreign students staying at our university also under the Erasmus+ Programme.

During a very creative stay, many topics regarding current and future cooperation within the Erasmus+ Programme were discussed.

The mobility within the Erasmus+ Programme of the staff results, among others, in increasing job satisfaction, improving social, linguistic and cultural competences, as well as strengthening cooperation with the partner institution. The mobility affects the personal and professional development, as the partcipants expand or establish new contacts, as well as use good practices learned abroad. Staff strengthens language skills by acquiring qualifications specific to the higher education sector relevant to current job and professional development.

Last photo with my wonderful Erasmus+ student Onur VARÇİN

Drukuj Drukuj E-mail E-mail

Last photo with my wonderful Erasmus+ student Onur Varçin taken a little before the end of the academic year 2022/2023. Onur Varçin from Munzur University has just finished his Erasmus+ adventure at PWSTE and we had a great time together 🙂

Dear Onur remember that good friends never say goodbye. They simply say „See you soon” 🙂


Erasmus+ students at PWSTE: Gizem Gözde Süzgün, Songül Orhan and Rojin Denli while traveling abroad

Drukuj Drukuj E-mail E-mail

Erasmus+ students at PWSTE in Jaroslaw during the second semester of the academic year 2022/2023: Gizem Gözde Süzgün, Songül Orhan and Rojin Denli use the Erasmus+ Programme’s capabilities to study and travel. Thanks to this, they visit many beautiful countries. Below you can see a few photos from Paris, Prague, Budapest and Vienna.

Erasmus+ student at PWSTE in Jarosław YAĞIZ DİREN KARATAŞ while traveling to Paris and Barcelona

Drukuj Drukuj E-mail E-mail

Yağiz Diren Karataş, who is studying at the Karadeniz Technical University in Türkiye on a daily basis, currently is spending the entire academic year 2022/23 - studying at PWSTE in Jarosław as a part of the Erasmus+ Programme thanks to the bilateral cooperation agreement signed between the universities. Allowing students to travel is a part of the Erasmus+ Programme and Yağiz is fully taking advantage of this opportunity. Below you can see photos from Paris and Barcelona.

Fotorelacja z etapów akcji na rzecz Schroniska dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt z Orzechowiec

Drukuj Drukuj E-mail E-mail

Akcja na rzecz Schroniska dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt w Orzechowcach trwała przez kilka miesięcy. Jej organizatorem od kilku lat jest mgr Magdalena Bojarska, Kierownik Działu Współpracy Międzynarodowej i Rzecznik Prasowy PWSTE w Jarosławiu oraz studenci zagraniczni studiujący w naszej Uczelni w ramach programu Erasmus+ we współpracy z siecią sklepów „Społem” PSS w Jarosławiu, marketem E.Leclerc w Galerii Stara Ujeżdżalnia, a także Delikatesami Piotruś Pan.
Zaplanowaliśmy ją na okres od grudnia ubiegłego roku do końca marca br. - jednak w wielu miejscach została przedłużona o kilka tygodni.
Celem wydarzenia było wsparcie zwierzaków ze Schroniska dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt z Orzechowiec, dla których zbieraliśmy karmę mokrą i suchą, zabawki oraz smycze i obroże, jak również żwirek dla kotów. Jednocześnie gorąco zachęcam do adopcji zwierzaków ze schroniska – ponieważ są cudowne.
Serdecznie dziękuję wszystkim, którzy wspierają nas od wielu lat oraz oczywiście pracownikom i dyrekcji partnerskich sklepów, a także studentom i Patronom.