On November 26-28, 2018 we hosted the representatives of International Cosmetology College (Latvia, Riga) at our higher school, who are our new partners. Among them were doc. Baiba Grina, a stylist and make-up specialist, as well as a dermatologist, PhD Ilze Jakobsone.

M.Sc. Magdalena Bojarska, the Head of the International Cooperation Department was responsible for staying the guests in PWSTE.
While realizing the Erasmus+ programme, the quests stayed at the Health Protection Institute to conduct lectures for the students of Cosmetology Faculty. The guests met with the Director of the Institute PhD Marta Cebulak and the Deputy Director PhD Małgorzata Dziechciaż.
The goal of mobility was to gain experience on issues covered by lectures schedule. Future cooperation relating to positive experiences implementation were discussed, as well as sharing the acquired knowledge and qualifications with the management team of the host higher institution. During the meeting the program of students exchange was discussed and it was compared curricula of both higher institutions.
The topic of lectures conducted by PhD Ilze Jakobsone was dealing with skin virus infections. The lectures were conducted for the third year students of Cosmetology Faculty. In turn, the stylist, PhD Baiba Grina, while meeting with the first and second year students of Cosmetology Faculty conducted lectures entitled “Almost everything about eyebrows” and “Fashion: beauty and madness over the centuries”. During the practical workshop, the makeup trends of the 20s were presented.

While staying at our School the guests were shown the cosmetic laboratories - skin care cosmetology and beauty cosmetology. They also had a meeting with lectures from our school, - Barbara Bajger and Elżbieta Sadlik.
At the end of their staying the guests got the certificates confirming their active part in conducting lectures.

oprac. mgr Magdalena Bojarska,
Rzecznik Prasowy i Kierownik Działu Współpracy Międzynarodowej PWSTE w Jarosławiu