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Visit of a scientist from Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University - 6-7.10.2021

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On October 6-7, 2021, we hosted Nuray Turay, PhD from Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University at our University. A scientist from a partner Turkish university completed a training program as part of the Erasmus+. The guest was hosted by Magdalena Bojarska, MSc, the Head of the International Cooperation Department of PWSTE in Jaroslaw. Part of the visit was a meeting with Erasmus+ students studying at PWSTE

Thanks to the mobility carried out with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme, it was possible to achieve the basic assumptions of training, such as strengthening cooperation with a partner, through plans for joint ventures, both scientific and related to the organization of daily activities.

The main objectives of the visit include supporting the internationalization of higher education in the field of cooperation between institutions working for the benefit of student education. The task is also part of the internationalization and promotion project of both universities. The priority of the training visit was to improve the skills and professional qualifications of a representative of a Turkish partner university during a stay at a foreign university in one of the European Union countries.

When assessing the implementation of mobility from the perspective, it should be stated that there were many advantages of visiting PWSTE in Jarosław. Among them, noteworthy is the exchange of experiences and good practices through structured cooperation involving the mobility of individual people.

Arrivals of this type are conducive to regional integration and cooperation in various parts of the world.


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Representatives of PWSTE, including foreign students studying at PWSTE under the Erasmus+ programme visited E. Leclerc, a supermarket participating in the charity campaign for Homeless Animal Shelter in Orzechowce.
We would like to thank all people who support our initiative, which will last until the end of March 2021.
The initiative is supported by the Honorary Patronage of the Rector, prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Rejman.
We would like to thank the President of the Management Board and the team for enabling the campaign to be carried out in the “Społem” PSS (including "GAMA") in Jarosław, as well as the managers and employees of the E.Leclerc store in the Stara Ujeżdżalnia Gallery.
We will take all the articles donated by the inhabitants of Jarosław and the surrounding areas to the beloved pets of Homeless Animals Shelter in Orzechowce. On behalf of our smaller brothers, we kindly ask you to support the shelter and provide it with wet and dry food, toys and leashes, harnesses, collars and cat litter.
At the same time, we strongly encourage you to adopt the residents of the shelter, including physical adaptation - taking the pet to your house. We would like to remind you that you can also become a “virtual pet-sitter”. By adopting a dog or cat virtually, you provide financial support for its maintenance. You can find the details: http: //
The organizers of the campaign, which will last until the end of March, are the Head of the International Cooperation Department and Spokesperson of the Bronisław Markiewicz State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jarosław, Magdalena Bojarska and foreign students who are staying at our higher school under the Erasmus+ program.


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On March 5, 2021 we visited the Homeless Animal Shelter in Orzechowce together with foreign students studying at PWSTE under the Erasmus+ program. The aim of our visit was to handle animal food staffs donated by the residents of Jarosław and the surrounding area to the designated points which are located at the E. Leclerc market and “Społem” stores PSS (including “GAMA”) in Jarosław.

We would like to thank all the people who support our charity action which will last until the end of March this year.

We would like to thank the President of the Management Board and the team for enabling the campaign to be carried out in the “Społem” PSS (including "GAMA") in Jarosław, as well as the managers and employees of the E. Leclerc store in the Stara Ujeżdżalnia Gallery.

The initiative was supported by the Honorary Patronage of the Rector, prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Rejman.

Magdalena Bojarska became a winner in the EDUinspirator 2019 competition relating to the Category “Higher education”

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We inform with great pleasure that Magdalena Bojarska, Head of International Cooperation Department, Spokesperson and Coordinator of Erasmus+ programme in PWSTE became a winner in the nationwide competition organized by the Foundation for the Development of the Education System in the category “Higher education” and received the title of EDUinspirator 2019.
This year competition was held under the slogan “I ACT AND INSPIRE”. It was addressed to people extremely involved in the implementation of international educational projects, who while acquiring new competences had a positive impact on the local environment. The jury of the competition was looking for leaders and mentors, whose knowledge influenced the qualifications improvement and success due to their experience sharing. The impact of the project on the surrounding environment, including high quality activities, development of language skills, as well as entrepreneurial and intercultural competences were assessed.
The assessment criteria included: relevance, communication activities, results dissemination and their impact, innovation, as well as results transferability and activities attractiveness.
Nominations of experts were delivered to the panel of judges, whose decision was final and was forwarded during the ceremony of handling over Educational Awards of Foundation for the Development of the Education System organized on December 3, 2019 at the Contemporary Art Center at the Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw.
The participants of the above event were: a phenomenal swimmer Otylia Jędrzejczak, who delivered a speech devoted to the way to success and strategies for overcoming challenges; Dariusz Piontkowski, Minister of National Education and PhD Paweł Poszytek, General Director of the Foundation for the Development of the Education System, as well as a lot of people from all parts of Poland dealing with implementation of international educational projects.

Guests from Kamieniec Podolski

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17th October this year we hosted a delegation from the National University of Iwan Ohiienka in Kamianets-Podilskyi. The purpose of the meeting was to determine the possibility of establishing bilateral cooperation on many levels, also within the Erasmus+ programme.
Professor dr hab. Alla Khoptiar, Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Philology and accompanying Barbara Januszkiewicz visited our University together with the Director of the Education Department of the City Hall, Renata Chlebowska. Ladies were hosted by the Vice-Rector for Didactics, doc. dr Dorota Dejniak. The meeting was attended by Magdalena Bojarska, Head of International Cooperation Office and the Spokesperson of the PWSTE in Jarosław, as well as Krzysztof Markowski, Deputy Director of the Institute of Humanities.

Visit of the scientist from Istanbul Esenyurt University at PWSTE

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On the 2-6 December 2019, we hosted PhD Rahşan İpek ÇAVUŞOĞLU, representing Istanbul Esenyurt University. The scientist from Turkish partner university visited PWSTE within the Erasmus+ Programme. M.Sc. Magdalena Bojarska, Head of the International Relations Office of PWSTE in Jarosław was responsible for the implementation of the project on behalf of the Rector of our institution.

Due to the mobility carried out with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme, it was possible to achieve the basic principles of the training programme, such as: strengthening of cooperation with the partner by taking joint ventures, both scientific and the ones relating to everyday activities. At the end of April-May this year, we hosted the Rector of this Turkish university, prof. Sudi Apak.

PhD Mykhaylo Komarnytsky of the Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko visited PWSTE, Jaroslaw within the Erasmus+ Programme

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On 26-30.11.2018 PhD Mykhaylo Komarnytsky from the Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko visited PWSTE in Jaroslaw. The above university is a longstanding partner of our higher school.
M.Sc. Magdalena Bojarska, the Head of the International Cooperation Department was responsible for staying the guest in PWSTE.
The guest visited our school within the Erasmus+ programme as part of the educational mobility of students and academic staff of the European Higher School cooperating with partner countries from other parts of the world. Due to interinstitutional agreements signed within the Erasmus+ programme, the academic staff and the administrative staff of PWSTE, Jaroslaw have the opportunity to visit one of our partner higher schools which are beyond the European Union in order to have the opportunity to undergo training relating to raising professional qualifications not only in European countries.
Realizing the exchange related to the promotion of cooperation with foreign countries of the Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko (Ukraine), Mykhaylo Komarnytsky benefited from the Erasmus+ program which was widened by the scope of its activities to countries beyond the European Union as part of the educational mobility of students and academic staff resulting from cooperation between PWSTE, Jaroslaw and partner countries. The aim of the training visit within the Erasmus+ program was to create a unique opportunity to improve skills due to experience exchange with International Cooperation Department of higher education institution because of a long-term bilateral cooperation. Soft skills development, predisposition of working in an international group, as well as improvement of language skills played an important role. The improvement of qualifications needed in everyday work combined with the experience exchange, as well as with knowledge increase in the broadly understood internationalization of higher education institution are considered to be the main benefits of exchange. During the meetings it was discussed the ongoing and future cooperation in the field of youth exchange, as well as planning of joint events, seminars and publications.

Delegation from International Cosmetology College (Latwia) visited PWSTE, Jarosław within the Erasmus+ programme

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On November 26-28, 2018 we hosted the representatives of International Cosmetology College (Latvia, Riga) at our higher school, who are our new partners. Among them were doc. Baiba Grina, a stylist and make-up specialist, as well as a dermatologist, PhD Ilze Jakobsone.

M.Sc. Magdalena Bojarska, the Head of the International Cooperation Department was responsible for staying the guests in PWSTE.
While realizing the Erasmus+ programme, the quests stayed at the Health Protection Institute to conduct lectures for the students of Cosmetology Faculty. The guests met with the Director of the Institute PhD Marta Cebulak and the Deputy Director PhD Małgorzata Dziechciaż.
The goal of mobility was to gain experience on issues covered by lectures schedule. Future cooperation relating to positive experiences implementation were discussed, as well as sharing the acquired knowledge and qualifications with the management team of the host higher institution. During the meeting the program of students exchange was discussed and it was compared curricula of both higher institutions.
The topic of lectures conducted by PhD Ilze Jakobsone was dealing with skin virus infections. The lectures were conducted for the third year students of Cosmetology Faculty. In turn, the stylist, PhD Baiba Grina, while meeting with the first and second year students of Cosmetology Faculty conducted lectures entitled “Almost everything about eyebrows” and “Fashion: beauty and madness over the centuries”. During the practical workshop, the makeup trends of the 20s were presented.