On October 6-7, 2021, we hosted Nuray Turay, PhD from Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University at our University. A scientist from a partner Turkish university completed a training program as part of the Erasmus+. The guest was hosted by Magdalena Bojarska, MSc, the Head of the International Cooperation Department of PWSTE in Jaroslaw. Part of the visit was a meeting with Erasmus+ students studying at PWSTE
Thanks to the mobility carried out with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme, it was possible to achieve the basic assumptions of training, such as strengthening cooperation with a partner, through plans for joint ventures, both scientific and related to the organization of daily activities.
The main objectives of the visit include supporting the internationalization of higher education in the field of cooperation between institutions working for the benefit of student education. The task is also part of the internationalization and promotion project of both universities. The priority of the training visit was to improve the skills and professional qualifications of a representative of a Turkish partner university during a stay at a foreign university in one of the European Union countries.
When assessing the implementation of mobility from the perspective, it should be stated that there were many advantages of visiting PWSTE in Jarosław. Among them, noteworthy is the exchange of experiences and good practices through structured cooperation involving the mobility of individual people.
Arrivals of this type are conducive to regional integration and cooperation in various parts of the world.
Read more: Visit of a scientist from Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University - 6-7.10.2021