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Scientific workers from Turkey in PWSTE within the Erasmus+

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At the beginning of June 2019, we hosted Cem Morkoc i Ilknur Kiran Morkoc who were the representatives of a new foreign partner higher institution - Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University in Turkey.

Their staying, focused on lectures for students from Spain and Turkey (they were also in PWSTE within the Erasmus+ programme) was a lecture of international experience exchange filled with great atmosphere. The students who are eager to go abroad were also the participants of the meeting.

The guests were shown the campus of our higher school. At the end of staying at PWSTE the scientific workers got the certificates confirming their active participation in conducting lectures.

The goal of mobility realized under the European Union program Erasmus+ was to gain experience within the issues covered by the curricular. Future cooperation relating to positive experiences implementation was discussed, as well as sharing the acquired knowledge and qualifications with the academic staff of host higher school institution.

Professor from University in PWSTE within the Erasmus+

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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şerife Yurdagül KUMCU, scientist from Necmettin Erbakan University visited the Bronislaw Markiewicz State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jaroslaw within Erasmus+ Programme (14-18.10.2019). The guest was looked after by Magdalena Bojarska, Spokesperson and the Head of International Relations Office and Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator of the host institution.

Professor Oleg Popov, Vice-Rector of the Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture in PWSTE, Jarosław within the Erasmus + program - 13-17.05.2019

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On 13-17 May 2019, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs of the Odessa State Academy of Building and Architecture, prof. Oleg Popov, visited PWSTE, Jarosław. He had a meeting with PWSTE Rector, prof. UG, dr hab. Krzysztof Rejman and received a diploma certifying his active conduct of classes with students during a few days stay within the Erasmus+ program at our School. Presenting the advantages of the Odessa State Academy of Building and Architecture, the guest met with the Erasmus+ students from Spain, Turkey and Ukraine, as well as with the students of the Construction Faculty.
The academic worker came to PWSTE due to the project written by Magdalena Bojarska, Head of the International Cooperation Department, who was responsible for organization and staying the above person within the Erasmus+ program. It was PWSTE, Jarosław that was the applicant institution, and received a grant in Action 1 “Educational mobility” in the Erasmus+ program, due to which institutions can get funding not only for students and academic staff exchange from the countries participating in the program, but also for the participants from partner countries outside the European Union.

VII International Scientific Conference “Activity of economic entities in changing economic conditions”

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dsc 0545
On June 27, 2019 at the initiative of the Institute of Economics and Management in PWSTE (Jarosław), and due to educational program and cooperation with the Polish Bank Association and the Credit Information Bureau S.A. “Modern Business Management”, it was organized the VII International Scientific Conference “Activity of economic entities in changing economic conditions”. The event was held under the patronage of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

The meeting was preceded by the symposium, which on behalf of the PWSTE Rector, Prof. UG, dr hab. Krzysztof Rejman was opened by dr inż. Ryszard Pukała, Vice Rector for Student Affairs.

There were representatives of collaborating institutions, such as the Tax Administration Chamber in Rzeszów, the Regional Labor Inspectorate or the Poviat Labor Office in Jarosław. The representatives of Polish and foreign research centers were also present at the conference, they have cooperated with PWSTE for a long period.

During the conference the debates were conducted within three discussion panels, the representatives of the above institutions and our Higher School took part in it.
Dr. Tatiana Kożak-Siara, Director of the Institute of Economics and Management (PWSTE, Jarosław) had the honor to welcome the guests. Among them were the representatives of local government units and financial institutions, as well as the representatives of partner universities from Rzeszów, Lublin and Krakow.
Integrating local business with science and theory with practice, the Business Council (functioning at the Institute of Economics and Management) and partner institutions representatives had honor to be present at the conference.
There were the representatives of the following partner universities: Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Institute of Regional Research named after M.I. Dolishnij of National Academy of Sciences (Lviv, Ukraine), Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Odessa and the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv.

The Delegation from Odessa National Maritime University in PWSTE (Jarosław) within the Erasmus+ Programme

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On May 20-24, 2019 PWSTE hosted the representatives of Odessa National Maritime University. The cooperation with the university was established in 2016.
The delegation came to our Higher School at the invitation of Rector, prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Rejman as the result of fruitful bilateral cooperation (MSc Magdalena Bojarska, Head of the International Cooperation Department and Press Spokesman is responsible for it). This time, the visit was focused at the International Cooperation Department. There were meetings with over 20 students from Spain and Turkey, who stayed for a semester or an academic year at PWSTE within the Erasmus+ Programme.
Implementing the exchange programme, prof. Svitlana Onyshchenko, the following scientific worker, benefited from the Erasmus+ program, which extended the scope of its activities to countries beyond the European Union within the educational mobility of students and academic staff resulting from cooperation of PWSTE in Jarosław with partner countries. The delegation also included Svitlana Glovatska, Head of the International Cooperation Department.
During the meetings which took place for several days, it was discussed the framework for future cooperation. The Erasmus+ programme participants had a meeting with the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, PhD Ryszard Pukała and received the diploma confirming their active participation in conducting classes for PWSTE students.

Prof. Sudi Apak - Rector of Istanbul Esenyurt University in PWSTE

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S Apak

At the beginning of May 2019, we hosted prof. Sudi Apak, Rector of Istanbul Esenyurt University. The professor from Turkish partner Higher School visited PWSTE within the Erasmus+ Programme. Magdalena Bojarska, Head of the International Cooperation Department of PWSTE in Jarosław was responsible for the implementation of the project on behalf of PWSTE Rector.

Due to the mobility carried out with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme, it was possible to achieve the basic principles of the training programme, such as: strengthening of cooperation with the partner by taking joint ventures, both scientific and the ones relating to everyday activities.

The main objectives of the visit include support of the internationalization of higher education institutions regarding cooperation between institutions in the field of student education. Internationalization and promotion of both higher schools institutions are also the main tasks. The priority of the above visit was to improve skills and professional qualifications of the representative of the Turkish partner university while staying at a foreign higher school institution of the European Union.

Charity Campaign for Homeless Animal Shelter in Orzechowce at the PWSTE Campus (Jarosław)

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schronisko 2018 2019 niebieski str


The representatives of the International Cooperation Department of the Bronisław Markiewicz State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jarosław and foreign students from Spain and Turkey (they stay at our School within the Erasmus+ program), organize a charity campaign for Homeless Animal Shelter in Orzechowce, which take place from 20 November, 2018 till 15 February, 2019. It is conducted at the campus of the Bronisław Markiewicz State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jarosław and at the territory of some stores.

The action was supported by the Honorary Patronage of the Rector, prof. UG, dr hab. Krzysztof Rejman.

The purpose of the initiative is to provide aid in kind for the animals in the shelter. For marked cartons we constantly put dry and wet food stuffs for dogs and cats, as well as toys, leashes, collars, braces, bowls and cat litter, blankets and towels.
Currently, there are about 200 animals in the Homeless Animal Shelter in Orzechowce. They are mostly victims of accidents, exhaustion caused by lonely wandering around the town or negligence caused by the previous owners. As a team of a shelter, we dream about having more and more empathy, people’s sensitiveness to animals suffering and willing to help our smaller pets.
There are various ways to support animal shelters - from provision a temporary place of residence, by giving financial and material help to volunteering - spending your own free time while taking dogs for walks. We strongly encourage you for it.
We ask for help on behalf of dogs and cats. If you can provide a shelter animal with a place of residence - do not hesitate to do it. If you, on the other hand, would like to help, but you can’t physically adapt your pet, you can become its “virtual carer”. Adopting a dog or a cat virtually, you support financially its maintence.



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During the Epiphany celebration – a holiday which is commonly known as the “Three Kings Day” (January 6) it was organized the Three Kings procession in Jarosław. The procession takes place every year and this year was the eighth season.
Spiritual message was dedicated to all the town inhabitants. The holiday festivity began with a Holy Liturgy which was chaired by the guest of honor, Archbishop of Archdiocese of Przemyśl Adam Szal. The festivity slogan was “Renew the Face of the Earth” referring to I pilgrimage of the Holy Father to Poland.
The main organizer of the above event is Archpriest of Jarosław, Prelate Andrzej Surowiec who has been coordinated the festivity for eight years.
There were four colorful processions - European, African Asian and the procession of Holy Family, which at the same time moved off the churches along the streets of Jarosław: Christ the King Church, Franciscan Church and Church of Divine Mercy. Each colored procession was led by one of the kings. The participants of the fourth procession of Holy Family with little shepherds and a donkey were the quickest who came to the end.
After getting to the town square, the other processions came to the Bethlehem Crib in search of the Baby Jesus and sang carols together with the Three Kings amazing Christmas decorations.
The Blue African procession started from Franciscan Church, it was led by King Baltazar. The Green Asian procession was led by King Melchior from the Church of Divine Mercy, while the Red European procession headed by King Kacper started from Christ the King Church. Archbishop of Archdiocese of Przemyśl, parliamentarians, district and town authorities along with mayors, representatives of health service, uniformed services and PWSTE representatives joined the procession. Among the representatives of PWSTE one could see the Rector of PWSTE in Jarosław, prof. UG, dr hab. Krzysztof Rejman and a Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics and Management, Ph.D. Jolanta Wojtowicz-Żygadło, the representative of the Institute of Health Protection, Ph.D Alicja Kłos and a lot of students, including foreign students who participate in the Erasmus + program.

Prof. Anzhela Kuznietsova, Rector of Banking University (Kiev) visited PWSTE within the Erasmus+ Programme

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A Kuznyetsova

On September 10-14, 2018 our higher school visited Rector of Banking University (Kiev) prof. Anzhela Kuznietsova who was invited by M.Sc. Magdalena Bojarska, the Head of the International Cooperation Department (PWSTE). The Banking University of the National Bank of Ukraine (Kiev) is a long-term partner of the the Bronisław Markiewicz State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jarosław (PWSTE).

The visit of PWSTE was connected with the Erasmus + program within educational mobility of students and academic staff of European higher education institution cooperating with partner countries from other parts of the world. Due to inter-institutional agreements within the Erasmus + program, the academic staff as well as the administrative staff of PWSTE (Jarosław) have the opportunity to visit our partner universities located outside the European Union for raising their professional qualifications.

Realizing the above programme, prof. Anzhela Kuznietsova, Rector of Banking University (Kiev) has benefited from the Erasmus + program which was widened by the scope of its activities to countries outside the European Union as part of educational mobility of students and academic staff resulting from the cooperation of PWSTE in Jarosław with partner countries. The aim of visit within the Erasmus + program was to create a unique opportunity to improve skills due to experience exchange of a long-term partner higher education institution. Soft skills development, predisposition of working in an international group, as well as improvement of language skills played an important role. The improvement of qualifications needed in everyday work combined with the exchange of experience, as well as the extending of knowledge in the broadly understood internationalization of higher education institution is considered to be the main benefit of exchange. During the meetings it was discussed the ongoing and future cooperation in the field of youth exchange, as well as planning of joint events, seminars and publications.

Lecturer from the University of Prešov (Slovakia) visited PWSTE, Jarosław within Erasmus+

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Elena Sira

On 27th February - 1st March, 2018 the State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jarosław visited Elena Širá, PhD, a representative of Management Faculty of the University of Prešov in Prešov.
During staying within the Erasmus+ program, the guest met with the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, Ryszard Pukała, PhD who on behalf of the Rector, prof. UG, dr hab. Krzysztof Rejman, handed over the diploma confirming participation in the Erasmus+ training program. Magdalena Bojarska, the Head of the International Cooperation Department and the Spokesperson of the Bronisław Markiewicz State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jarosław was responsible for staying of the programme participant in PWSTE.

The academic staff members from PWSTE, Jarosław visit the University of Prešov in Prešov very often as part of the Erasmus + program and because of other events. We were also pleased to host a representative of our long-term partner institution.
Our higher school cooperates with the University of Prešov on many levels. The confirmation of it is the organization of international scientific conference “Unity in diversity. Intercultural education in the common area of the Polish-Slovak borderland”. The objective of conference (the leading partner was Slovakia) was presentation of the latest research results in the field of intercultural education against the background of regional conditions.

The delegation from Odessa National Maritime University in PWSTE (Jarosław) within the Erasmus+ programme

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T Kovtun

On March 12-16, 2018 the representatives of PWSTE had a possibility to host the Erasmus+ programme participants who represented Odessa National Maritime University. The cooperation with the above university was established in 2016.
The delegation came to our Higher School at the invitation of Magdalena Bojarska, the Head of the International Cooperation Department, responsible for staying of the programme participants in PWSTE. Carrying out the exchange programme Erasmus+, PhD Tetiana Kovtun, as the following representative of the academic staff, benefited from the Erasmus+ program, which extended the scope of activities to countries beyond the borders of the European Union within the educational mobility of students and academic staff resulting from the cooperation of the PWSTE in Jarosław with partner countries. The delegation also included Svitlana Glovatska, Head of the International Cooperation Department.